Monday, April 4, 2022

Final Post

 Our project has come to a full conclusion and we are focusing on finishing up our CCR individually. This project has been a roller coaster ride ranging from our easy brainstorming to our lack of planning for our final scenes. This led to a strong delay in our filming which was done in the past 3 weeks and our editing which concluded this past weekend. We finally finished our project and some of the key moments were: the weather concerns used during our funeral scene, the delayed production, and Mrs. Stoklosa's guidance. The weather concerns provided an initial delay but the rain became an element that could be added to our funeral/paying respects scene. The rain provided more representation of sadness and anger which allowed us to build upon our plot. The delayed production on our part as a whole was a key moments as it served as a wakeup call for the group to gather ourselves and recover from our weaknesses and obstacles. Finally, Mrs. Stoklosa provided consistent advice and guidance to allow us to film our most professional and developed project possible as a team. Thank you for your assistance with that area.

 Our project did have some final changes at the end. For example, the scene of our actor displaying anger and destroying the murder board was added as it fit the plot/representation and allowed us to further reach our time goal of 2 minutes. Finally, I believe the project was a success but it could have been improved as we had a very strong foundation. It has been a wild few weeks but we finally got through them with a BANG!

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Final Project