Wednesday, March 30, 2022


 As perviously mentioned on my blog, Nathaniel Ceant has taken control of our editing responsibilities. He is almost done on our last few scenes but is also attempting to sharpen a few scenes up. However, a huge emergency has occurred, we are only at 1:36 seconds. We are going to have to add a few scenes throughout this week in order to be able to completely finish and get started on our CCR. Our last few scenes have great importance as they are going to make us reach the time limit but they must also not add too much ahead as the plot is only an opening.

Overall, Nathaniel's editing looks sharp and crisp. He is using Adobe Premiere which he has never used before so he has had some challenges. That is why it has been a good thing that he started editing ahead of the due date, so any obstacles like these could be avoided. Hopefully, our project can be completed ASAP so we can turn our full attentions to our CCR.

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