Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Music Marketing Project Reflection

 The Music marketing project consisted of 4 members including myself: Julie, Manny, and Gaby. The entire process was broken down and divided upon assignment of the groups. Once our group discovered it was the Hip Hop genre that we were assigned, we delved into deep research on similar case studies, created a storyboard, and created a marketing presentation that included a music video. 

The storyboard consisted of many ideas that were shared on a google document that was collaborated on by all members. We all used various ideas and Manny used his artistic and creative abilities to physically put together the storyboard. The storyboard was very well planned and almost all of the shots were included in the final project. This was done around the same time as the in-depth market research. The research consisted of similar artists from the same genre to create marketing techniques that could be used for our artist, The Vanquisher. We decided to study the artists Kendrick Lamar, Don Toliver, Travis Scott, and SZA. These artists provided various marketing profiles that we picked apart and chose specific areas to apply to The Vanquisher’s marketing plan.

After gathering this background information and doing enough research, we decided it was time to create the music video and marketing presentation. Manny took charge of the music video in a very efficient way as did Julie with the presentation. Manny was the unofficial director of a very well shot and edited music video. He took most responsibilities of the video as myself and him were the main actors of the storyline/ promotional music video. He led the creation of a very good music video while Julie led the presentation, which we all contributed to. The presentation was very detailed but concise and allowed for us to create a strong artist marketing plan for The Vanquisher. 

The project as a whole was very well planned and executed, in addition to everyone contributing a fair amount. This project and collaborating with certain people allowed me to develop as a presenter and especially as a creator in the media industry. I learned new parts to the production process and feel that I grew as a producer/director. This is going to be extremely helpful for the production portions of my Cambridge portfolio and it also helped me build good research tendencies for future reference.

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Final Project